Border Activity Part Three

          A loud crash echoed in the large spacious room of the concrete building.  The elderly man picked up another decorative vase.  “Where is he!  Every news station should be reporting on how there’s a large hole in the west, yet there’s nothing!”  He threw the vase at another television screen on the wall, breaking both the vase and the screen.  Two of the ten screens mounted on the wall were now cracked.  Several of the computers under them were covered in the shards.

          One of the four men sitting at the computers was brave enough to speak up.  “Like the report says, the house is completely empty.  The warehouse in Texas is also completely cleaned out.  There are no signs of Amir or the device.  We have our men searching everywhere for them.”

          The elderly man’s nostrils flared up as he paced the floor, kicking anything in his way.  “He’s a dead man!  Months of planning, scrapping for resources, developing the device, just so he can run off!  Traitor!  I want him found!”

          A man sitting at the computer’s eyebrows rose as he glanced at one of the security cameras.  “I think you should take a look at this.”  He moved the video on all of the working televisions on the wall.  It was a live video stream of outside the door of the facility.  In the picture was a large round stone with a rope tied to it.  The stone was on top of a flat cart with wheels.  On top of the stone seemed to be pieces of the nuclear device that was supposed to have destroyed part of LA.  Next to the cart was a man lying on the floor.

          The old man’s eyes widened as he glared at the video.  “Well, go get it!  If that is Amir, he has some questions to answer.”

The four men at the computers quickly got up and ran down the hallways to the door.  As they opened the door, a cool breeze carrying the smell of grass flowed in.  One of the men quickly ran to the man lying on the floor.  “Amir? Is it you?”  He shook him to wake him up.  Amir was bruised all over his face.  He looked as if he were in a brutal boxing match.

          Amir’s eyes slowly opened.  He covered his face as the sun hit his eyeballs.  Sudden flashes of memories quickly invaded his mind.  Curling up in a ball, he saw himself strapped down to an operating table.  Beings with no face except for large black eyes stared down at him.  One of them jammed rods in every hole that he had, causing unspeakable pain.  Amir screamed in agony.

          A deep voice echoed in his ear demanding to know who he worked for.  Every time Amir didn’t answer, they would jam rods in him.  It happened repeatedly, draining the will out of him.  Other memories flashed in his mind of being beaten and being continually dipped in some sort of thick liquid which caused his body to ach all over.  He remembered eventually caving and giving up everything he knew.  The last thing he remembered was one of the creatures grabbing him and pulling him close to its large eyes, then hearing the words, “As soon as you wake up, you better run and don’t stop.”

          A sudden chill ran up his spine.  Amir lashed out and swung a fist as hard as he could, striking the man that shook him.  He quickly got up and started running in bare feet as fast as he could down a dirt road, away from the concrete facility tucked away in the Alborz mountains in Iran.  The men watched him run as they helped the victim of Amir’s punch.

          One of the men shook his head.  “Let security deal with him.  Let’s get what’s left of this device inside.”  The other men agreed as they rolled the large stone with the pieces of the bomb on top of it inside.

          “Where’s Amir!” the old man demanded as the men rolled the stone into the room.

          One of the men spoke up.  “He went crazy and ran down the road.  I called a security team to intercept him.”

          The old man walked up to the disassembled bomb.  The nuclear fuel they worked hard in obtaining was gone.  He pounded his fist on the stone, then took a deep breath.  Pulling out a phone he called his superior.  As he explained the situation on the phone, the song “We Will Rock You” by Queen started coming out of the pieces of the disassembled device.  Puzzled, the old man fished through the pieces to see where the sound was coming from.  He found several very small speakers in the mix of the wreckage.


          Two security guards raced down the dirt road in a tan jeep.  They could see Amir still running as fast as he could with no shoes on.  As they pulled up to him, Amir stumbled and rolled on the floor.  The two men quickly jumped out of the jeep and pulled rifles on him as they grabbed his arm.  Suddenly, a deep rumble came from the sky.  All three of them looked up to see a small fireball in the air.  It got bigger and bigger until it struck the concrete building with a large explosion, annihilating it.


          In a large building in the middle of Tehran, a man stood in the middle of a very decorative and lush room as he listened to an old man on the phone give excuses as to why they failed their mission.  All of the sudden, music in the background interrupted his explanation.  “Hold on a second.” The old man requested.  The man on hold could hear the words “We will, we will rock you!”  Suddenly, the connection was cut off.  As the man stared at his phone to see if he lost reception, he heard a faint explosion in the distance.

          The man looked at one of his bodyguards standing beside him and asked, “What was that sound?”

          The guard pulled out his radio to find out.  The voice on the other end responded, “It looks like there was something that came out of the sky that crashed up on the Alborz Mountain range.”

          The man looked down to the floor with his eyes closed while rubbing his forehead.  He looked at his guard with darting eyes.  “I need more information as to what crashed and where.”  The guard nodded his head and pulled out his phone.

A few minutes later the man’s phone rang again.  One of the security guards that captured Amir frantically started talking on the other end.  He explained all that had happened.

          The man gritted his teeth as he listened.  “What was it that hit the facility!”

          An insecure voice on the other end answered, “I’m not totally sure.  We looked around and all we could see was slabs of concrete and rock.  If I were to guess, it looks like a meteor.”

          The man shook his head in disbelief.  There’s no way that could have been a meteor.  The timing, the placement.  Did the Americans find out?  Do they have such capabilities as to aim rocks from space to take out targets on the ground of their choosing?  “Bring Amir to me.  I have some questions for him.”  The man hung up the phone and stormed out of the room.

          Two hours later, meditating, the man sat on the floor in front of a small fountain in the middle of a large and secluded indoor arboretum.  His meditation was interrupted when two guards entered the room holding the arms of Amir.  They stood behind the man as he got up and turned in their direction.  The man calmly asked, “Amir, what has happened to cause such a failure in your mission?”

          Amir dropped to his knees as the guards let go of his arms.  He was almost in tears as he explained his account with the woman in the garage, followed by his encounter with the large eyed beings.  “They had to be from another planet!  Nobody has such devices that cause such pain.  We are being invaded!”  Amir frantically jumped up from the ground, sweat dripping down his brough.  One of the guards immediately pushed him back down to his knees.

          The man sighed while again shaking his head in disbelief.  He lowered his head in thought.  Turning to one of the guards, he said, “Make sure that the official report confirms a meteor crash in the mountains.  No casualties reported.  Deny anything else.”

          The guard bowed, then turned and walked out the door.  The man walked up to the other guard and grabbed the pistol from his holster and pointed it at Amir’s head.  Amir fell backwards.  Terror swept across his face.  “Wah… What are you doing?”

          “I am so sorry Amir, but no loose ends.”  The man pulled the trigger.  He handed the pistol back to the guard as Amir’s lifeless body fell to the floor.  Walking side by side with the guard, the man stated, “Things will not move as fast as we wanted, but we will move forward.  We already have hundreds of men in America.  You must quickly recruit more.  It will only be a matter of time before the Americans act against the people that have opened their border in the name of being virtuous.  Get as many people as possible in before they secure it again.”  The guard turned to the man and bowed.  He quickly marched off to accomplish his task.