September 2022 Mark Kaye's Kayetriot's Conspiracy Theories

September 1st, 2022


Alright, so it’s only a conspiracy if it’s not true.  So, the first thing you kept saying definitely came true.  So, the democrat playbook, they’re always telling us what they are going to do ahead of time.  They say Trump is a quid pro quo, right.  It was all him the whole time.  The Russia collusion, they manufactured their own collusion.  They’re saying Oh, the Trump family is crooked.  They’re in bed with the Russians, in bed with Ukraine, with China.  Guess who’s in bed with them all.  The Biden family, right?  Then we got the lady that called the other day talking about, oh well what if they did a martial law.  The news was all about that just before the election.  We hear Trump might pull marshal law.  That could possibly come true.  And then you were talking the other day when I called in about the F-16’s that I really hope they don’t fly over Trump rallies.  I’m in Dayton, Ohio man.  I’m sure that everybody didn’t forget about Kent Ohio.  You know it was not that long ago.  So, nothing surprises me.           (WIN)



The Democrats have been following a plan laid out in an old Star Trek episode called Patterns of Force.  The next star fleet officer sets up a government based on the economics of Nazi, Germany, but this is hijacked with the state becoming fascist like, matching the Democrats half communist, half fascist policies.  The Nazi’s tried to implement a final solution for half the population, like the Democrats who are trying to destroy the MAGA Republicans.  The old president is kept as a figure head while those behind the scenes are actually making the policies.  He is drugged and kept incoherent.  His news conferences are a recording instead of the leader talking.  The Democrats are already doing this with Joe Biden.  In the future we will see speeches teleconferenced with prerecorded sound, where you may notice Joe doesn’t move his mouth.  He is almost there already.          (WIN)



Ok, so everyday Josh kept talking about April or he talked to April in a chat, or he’s always saying April, April, April.  Where’s April in the chat, every day.  So, his wife caught on and she told him he has to leave his job at the show and we’ll get away from April and she demanded that he get her a Kate Spade bag as punishment.  Then at his new job he kept hearing the show in the halls and in the bathroom and all of you are mentioning April in the chat still, asking where’s April.  So, Josh’s wife said you have to stop playing that Mark Kaye show at noon and only while you’re at work and only at night you can play the show, because she couldn’t bare to hear about April.         (WIN)



Ok, these 87,000 IRS agents that are being hired everybody thinks it’s to come after everybody for their tax audits.  I think it’s because Biden is going to inflict a per gun tax per year, and if you don’t pay the tax, those are the agents that are gonna come after you and with their guns, if you don’t pay your tax, they’re gonna confiscate your guns.            (WIN)



So, these 87,000 IRS agents I thought it was, like everybody else did, we thought it was all pretty suspicious.  But we thought it was even more suspicious when they put out this add that said that they wanted people with guns.  Now people think that they really want to hire these people, but that’s not really the case.  What they’re doing is that they’re trying to scope out where all the MAGA Republicans are.  They’re looking for people that have the don’t tread on me license plate when they come up for an interview and they’re looking for the people that have the MAGA shirts, hats, ext. so that they can know where we are.            (WIN)



Full alien disclosure will lead to marshal law.  And the martial law will be handed out by the I would consider myself, the Democratic party.  Republicans are already in a bad hole.  You have to turn your weapons in.  Anybody that says or stands by the second amendment rights have to turn their weapons in.  So, once all your weapons are gone, and now we have full alien disclosure and religion is in the sewers pretty much, people losing their mind and pillaging the stuff, whether you have, you have the government.  And the last thing you want to have is just the government.          (WIN)

September 8th, 2022


First, I’d like to say Hannah, it’s great to have you back live.  But this is less a conspiracy, more of a dropping dime.  This was a three-day weekend.  Hannah in the past has had a history of not wearing sunblock.  Granted, You Tube is only 480p, it appears to me Hannah is wearing an abundance of concealment on her head, neck, chest, and face.  Therefore, she has been out with sun poison for the last two days.           (WIN)


Ok, George Soros is sitting around, and he says, “I bet you I can put the two stupidest people in the Whitehouse anybody ever saw.”  And Bill Gates says, “If you do that, I’ll give Melinda her divorce.”



Ok, tonight’s the first day of the baseball season doesn’t matter because it’s Thursday night football.  And California is hosting the game and with Governor Newsom and all his rolling black outs, he’s planning on whether or not the Rams are winning or if the Bills are winning, he’s gonna pull the plug at the right precise moment because since the referee’s took control of the Superbowl, Governor Newsom wants to take control of this game.  So, he going to obviously blame it on Karen using her air fryer, or charging her Tesla.          (WIN)



Alright, so the last rally that forty-five had, if you look behind him, you’ll see someone that looks like a baseball player.  Watch his hands.  Go back and watch it.  You’re gonna see code. Five, five.  Message received.  Next, London bridges falling.  Go.  D-5 what does that mean?  It’s already been done.  The actual thing that’s going to happen is going to shock the entire world.  It’s the first step that will shock the whole world.  And if you go back to that rally, you’re going to hear the music that is actually a message its comms.  No crap.  You’ll see.  Bridges are going down.  Only in one place, one place, one place.          (WIN)



The reason why there’s no delivery drivers is because their all being 10-99’d and being taxed.  That’s why they hired all those tax agents.  That’s where all our money’s going, and you can’t get noodles.  Anything over 600 dollars that you make throughout the year you have to declare and then they tax you on it.  Even your tips.          (WIN)



Ok, Yuri Bezmenov, defected from Russia in the early 1970’s, he is famous for his anti-communist books, his lectures and interviews.  Yuri says that the highest art of warfare is not to fight at all, but to subvert anything of value in the country of your enemy until such a time that your enemy does not perceive you as an enemy any longer.  At this time, you can take your enemy without a single shot being fired.  If you remember Kristov said, we will burry you and take you over without firing a shot.  He explained exactly how this is done.  And Yuri told us that Marxist ideology right now is being pumped into the soft heads of our children with no counterbalance of American patriotism.         (WIN)


Jeez from Rumble

So, we all know that Joe Biden likes to sniff people’s hair, but we haven’t seen that as much lately, and we’ve seen him more confused on states than in the past.  So, the reason for that is that his handlers have started spraying everybody’s hair with fart spray before they get up on stage.  And so, then he thinks that he’s crapped his pants and so he gets confused.         (WIN)



Well, since no woman on the Democratic side is electable, after the mid-term election we will finally get some mainstream media to report on Hunter Biden and the big guy’s laptop and all the secret deals with Russia and China, so that the Republicans will be able to impeach Joe Biden and then the Senate will vote to remove him from office and by default of the United States Constitution, Kamala Harris will be the first female vice president of the year.            (WIN)

September 15th, 2022

Outlaw from Rumble

Who is Karen?  She started calling about the time when the one who shall not be named left the show, making Hannah the executive producer, who runs this Be – atch and Jay stared running the board and answering the phones with his awesome shirts.  So, when Suzie from Middleburg calls and announces “It’s Trump Day” it triggers Karen like a Manchurian candidate.  She then calls the FBR, or I to get Mark cancelled.  So, the only person that can be Karen is Barbie, Hannah’s mother, trying to get Hannah back from the Mark Kaye show for three hours a day.  Cause she’s lovin it and this is from the Rumble chat and April, who it is really all about.            (WIN)



My theory is that Mark Kaye actually has a full head of hair, that he wears a skin wig.  And the reason he wears a skin wig is that he’s part of a sect of the MAGA extremists called the skin heads, and their goal is to destroy democracies around the world.  And so, he wears the skin wig in order to show solidarity with the global skin heads and to show his loyalty to Bielzibiden.            (WIN)



So, my cellphone doesn’t work part of the time.  I’ll dial and just nothing happens and it’s super frustrating, but I have a full signal.  So, my theory is because all of the free phones that the immigrants are getting is clogging up the networks.  So, that becomes the spotlight to Brandon is giving our troops food stamps to our soldiers because they can’t afford food but we’re giving free cell phones and food to illegals.          (WIN)


Grammy D

Well, the real reason that Biden won the election is that Hunter went to his cohorts in Russia and China telling them, look, my dad has dementia and it’s a specific kind of dementia called Louie body dementia and it makes people are ok sometimes but one of the first things they lose is all their fiscal abilities.  So, he knows nothing about financing ext.  And the problem is I will give you what you want if you get your techies from Russia and China to come in and, he gave them certain states to go in and add lots of extra votes.  They have the technology to do that.           (WIN)


Mr. Blue

The moon is hollow, and by hollow, I mean the moon is a satellite.  You go back far enough in time; they will speak of a time before the moon even got here in the sky.  When I say back in time, before the Romans.  Alright, it’s a big coincidence that you only see one side of the moon and you can’t explain how the moon got there.  Any explanation they say you for is just theories.  And that’s what I already said they’ve been wrong.  And the minute they say they were wrong from being seen from the new telescopes.  Like I said before, two weeks ago, full alien disclosure will lead to martial law.  They can’t handle it.  The government can’t handle it and they know that people can’t handle it.           (WIN)



Talking about Trump’s raid, Trump is always talking about draining the swam.  Guess who planted the seed to raid Trumps house.  Trump, because he’s always stepping ahead of Wallie E. Coyote.  So, when the video comes out of them sniffing Trumps underwear, they’re going to get exposed.           (WIN)



Bottlenecking the boarder.  Since it’s illegal to transport illegals, till after the people transporting illegals away from the boarder and if it’s 10 or more it’s a felony and I’m sure transportation companies may quit hauling away and the boarder will become bottlenecked and any government workers who make the arrangements and they can also be a felony because they are arranging for more than 10.



The National Education Association, that is the NEA Union, has a pact with the Democrat party and the NEA has agreed to indoctrinate the children with democrat ideology from K through 12 and then the Democrats stand outside the graduation ceremony their senior year and they sign them up for the party.



Ok, my theory is due to American Trivia Warrior.  We know Hannah works very hard and has multiple jobs, and one of those jobs is reading trivia, and you’ve made it clear that the following week she brings those questions in for American Trivia Warrior and it’s no secret to everyone that you win most of the time.  So, I think Mark Kaye is sending Kayetriots to Hannah’s job the week prior and they are taking notes.            (WIN)

September 22nd, 2022

P.B. & J.

So, this is why Disney went woke.  In the early 90’s, they actually tried to approach the Virginia government about creating a theme park with the overall them of American history and it was rejected and rebuked by the people of Virginia.  So, later on in 97, Knotts Berry Farm in California went on sale, and they approached them with the same theme and was shot down by Knotts for having transportation issues and citing concerns of the concept, which is about 6.5 miles from the original park.  So, two things haven’t changed since the 90’s.  California hates America, and they still have belief in Pete Buttigieg’s transportation system.            (WIN)


Don’t call me Francis

As Joe Biden say’s, thank you in advance for tolerating my conspiracy theory.  Stacey Abrams had a terrible childhood.  She could never get past the first level of Pac Man and that is why she recently came out and decried baby sonogram machines saying it’s not the actual heartbeat.  If you isolate the sound of the Pac Man siren in the background, it sounds exactly like a baby monitor trying to find the heartbeat and so since she had such a traumatic childhood, she has PTSD and since babies are so cute, it reminds her of instances and the fact that she’s not exactly cute.            (WIN)



I think it’s about time we sit down and have a serious discussion about the possibility of Taco Bell being in cahoots with Hunter and Joe Biden.  You remember pizza gate.  I don’t think there’s any kids hiding down in that basement.  But I do think the federal student loans department is hiding in that basement.  The way they have raised their prices is ridiculous.  I think that’s how they’re funding this federal student loans payout.  $5 for a cheesy gordita crunch.  It’s absurd.  Absolutely ridiculous and I will not pay them for it.            (WIN)



This may not take thirty seconds, but anyway.  Back in the day of Rush Limbaugh, he would say that he could see the stitches on the fastball.  Well, everybody knows that Trump and Rush Limbaugh was cut from the same plot.  So, with foresight ahead of him, Trump could see the Mar a Lago invasion coming.  So, he prepared everything in his home.  He implanted listening devices and bugs in everything that he had so that now he is listening to the FBI.            (WIN)


Quilt Mom

Unfortunately, mine is kind of scary.  Ok, on CNN State of the Union, Hillary Clinton was asked if it would be possible for all of America’s elected officials to put aside party politics and come together like they did after 911, and Hillary answered, “I hope that it will be.”  And I ask the Kayetriots out there, doesn’t this sound like a veiled threat or some kind of creepy prediction?            (WIN)


Libby McGrubber

Ok, the Roe decision upset the liberals because then they won’t be able to have abortions and then men will get vasectomies and then we’ll have more sex and we won’t have to pay child support.  We’ll have more money to buy Big Macs after sex, then the capitalist McDonalds will oppress the unwealthy by having ice cream machines broken, then the climate will change, because nobody wants to have babies.  Aliens!  Buy a Tesla.            (WIN)


Blind Willie

Alright.  The Supreme Court leaker.  None other than the Epstein loving, buddy of Epstein Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts.            He’s compromised, Obama knows it.  That’s why he saved Obama care twice.             Obama knows all about the Epstein connection with the Supreme Court justice from the adoptions and all that.            (WIN)


The One Who Knows

Ok, so we all know the left hates guns, but there’s too many nutritious people who have guns who are going to fight back.  So, they’re raising the inflation, making food cost more.  Going to make more people have to be on food stamps and then they can start slowly start taking it away because they can’t afford it all, and now they have these 87,000 IRS agents with guns who can come and take them away from the people who have the guns who aren’t getting the right nutrition so they can’t fight back.           (WIN)


Mr. Blue

Ok, now in order for you to understand this, you got to think about America being a reality show.  That’s how you get Stockholm syndrome.  Like the previous caller said, she said you know, when do we get to the point where it’s non-political, it’s non-party.  We just get straight to the business.  We can’t because people are obsessed with the whole…I don’t want to say the drama of it, but the drama of it.  And outside of like celebrities, I’m saying the drama of like you want to go to the carwash, you bi*#hing about first world problems.  It’s like you said earlier, nobody knows how people are living in other countries, but I promise you, you give them an hour in other countries, they will hate it.  America is in love with drama.            (WIN)


Greywolf 65

Ok, the only reason why Biden decided to help the train people is because the fact that he knows that the truckers are going to vote with the conservatives and for Trump and there’s been a long-standing feud between the truckers and the railroad people.  So, therefore he wants to piss of the truckers and that’s why he won’t help the truckers, but he’ll help the engineer, you know, railroad.            (WIN)

September 29th, 2022

Rusty Shackleford

It’s all about why your phone system and your internet system is so crappy all the time.  And it’s because the government is trying to shut down the great Mark Kaye Show and this is how they are doing it.  They’re doing it through this caller that you call Karen.  She is actually a conglomerate of three voice.  One of them is AOC.  The other one is Kamala Harris and the other one is Pelosi.  So, you put those three voices together and you got Karen.  Well, you’re in complicate with it because each time you answer the phone the government is now downloading your whole system with malware and viruses to infiltrate your phone systems.         (WIN)


Hurricane Ian

So, Gavin Newsome is America’s version of Justin Trudeau, and that’s one of the reasons why he is being put as for president.  So, what’s going to happen after midterms when they get slaughtered, they’re going to kick Kamala Harris out and then they are going to put him in, and then his aunt Nancy will 25th amendment Joe Biden and get him president and then what will happen is Gavin Newsome will then appoint his aunt Nancy as the ambassador to Italy.         (WIN)



Ok, so this is about Lake Mead and why the Democrats are really worried about the water draining out of Lake Mead so fast.  Back in the 30’s the globalists put a secret base underneath of Lake Mead so they could hide their leaders under there and so that’s why they’re worried the waters coming down and it’s going to expose their base that they have down there.         (WIN)


Ok, the conspiracy is the Mark Kaye Show.  Somewhere in the past, you guys have been out around having dinner or something and then some operatives in the background are dropping subliminal messages to you to get you to come up with the Mark Kaye Show.  Once you come up with the Mark Kaye Show, then they can actually monitor you, us, and find out just how close we are to getting to the truth.         (WIN)



You ready for this?  This storm is not only DeSantis’s fault, but it’s every Republican Governor along the east coast fault.  Now the reason it’s tricky is the Whitehouse set this up realizing that the midterm election is only 40 days away.  What better time than now if you’re as slow and as incompetent and as anyway, Trump is not the fault.         (WIN by cool voice)



Ok, this is on the greenhouse gasses.  They’ve discovered that there’s more methane produced by cattle than there are by cars and there are more cows than there are people.  So, the environmental wackos want to hook us all up and use the methane to power our electric power plants.  So, Nancy Pelosi has volunteered to hook themselves up but when they hooked her up, she blew up the machine.  So, Joe volunteers in the same steam cap.  He said he didn’t do it and he passes it to the vice president, but she refused saying her rear was too small.         (WIN)



This is about Joe Biden being president and he’s actually on the good team.  The conspiracy is that are deep state, and our intelligence agencies is so corrupted by the Chinese including the Democrat party that we had to beat them from within so we actually helped Joe Biden to get elected and he’s making every politically incorrect decision that he can possibly make on purpose to ensure a red wave and to flaunt how bad our inside intelligent decrepit agencies are.


G Money

So, you know a lot of women are leaving the Democratic party and they’re switching to Republican.  At the same time there’s this big national tampon shortage.  It’s been confirmed that the DNC has been cornering the tampon market, stockpiling tampons to use as bribes to convince these women to switch to the DNC and vote Democratic.  But the problem is they’re supposed to get a free box of tampons for doing it, but they put Pete Buttigieg in charge of the supply chain to ship these things out as they switch and he’s shipping them bubble gum cigars in place of the tampons which is causing pretty severe issues.         (WIN)